I believe instructors have an ethical imperative to teach students that no medium is ideologically “neutral” or a direct reflection of reality. Across all my classes, I work with my students to defamiliarize the technologies they engage with every day by excavating their material and cultural histories. My teaching is heavily influenced by anti-racist and inclusive pedagogy: that is, the need to develop alternatives to traditional syllabus structures and grading norms that continue to penalize or exclude students—particularly students of color, first-generation students, and disabled students—who have historically been denied access to higher education. I design my classes for a wide range of learning styles and lived experiences by scaffolding assignments in a way that gives students many continuous, low-stakes ways to engage and participate.
As someone who comes from an art practice background myself, my teaching style is multimodaI, and I like to implement creative activities using both analog and digital tools alongside more traditional analytical writing assignments. My assignments often have a creative component or send students out into the world. Whether this involves reproducing exercises from Josef Albers’ 1963 Interaction of Color using paper, scissors, and glue; creating a satirical Pantone press release to engage in socio-political critique; or watching an hour of broadcast TV—not streaming—on an actual television set, these often playful exercises push students to think historically and critically about their personal uses of technology as they intersect with questions of power, materiality, and labor.
Below you can find a selection of courses I've taught and developed at Old Dominion University, the University of Michigan, and UC Berkeley, which include freshman writing seminars, lecture-based major requirements, more experimental upper-division electives, and pedagogy courses for first-time graduate student instrucuctors. You can find a more comprehensive list of courses taught on my CV and I'm happy to provide sample syllabi and assignments by request.
Select Courses
Intro to Critical Race and Media

Television and Society

From Prisms to Pantone:
Color, Race, and Technology

Taste: The Senses on Screen

Film and Media Theory
Digital Aesthetics

Pedagogy + New Course Development
Teaching Reading and Composition Through Film & Media
(Lead instructor: Professor Mark Sandberg, UC Berkeley)

Intermediate Film Writing
(Lead instructor: Dr. Emily West, UC Berkeley)